Commonly Used Actions
krpano Actions
- set(alpha,0);
- tween(alpha, 1.0 ,0.1);
- tween(hotspot[hotspot_1].alpha, 1.0);
- tween(view.fov, 150.0, 2.0);
- switch(alpha, 0.2, 1.0, 1);
- loadscene(scene1, null, MERGE, BLEND(1));
- lookto(33,-22,30,smooth(100,50,20));
- looktohotspot(hotspot_2, 40);
- callwith(hotspot[hotspot_2],onclick);
- delayedcall(2, set(alpha,0.5); );
- openurl('',_blank);
- showlog(true);
- trace(name);
plugin actions
- flyoutSM(); - Hotspot crashes to the center of the screen .
- OpenPhotoSM(%SWFPATH%/add_hotspot/photo/nature1.jpg, Природа, 50);
- VideoPlaySM(video-1024x512.mp4, video-1024x512-poster.jpg, 0.5, true, 80);
- YoutubOpenSM(i92-cHzRNTI, 70);
- HideShowHotspot();
- hide_showGR(gr_1, true, true);
- hide_showGR(name group, show gruppe, hishow the rest);
Postprocessing krpano
- openFrame(html,get(data[data_html].content),400,300,true);
- open HTML from data .
- openFrame(iframe,'',1200,900, true);
- Open site in a frame .
- openFrame('image', '%CURRENTXML%/add_hotspot/photo/nature1.jpg');
- Open photo "photo.jpg".
Soundinterface Plugin krpano
- playsound(sound1, 'hesaudio.mp3', false, 0.5, trace(end));
- Open sound (name, url, loop, volume, oncomplete).
- playsound_at_hv(sound1, 'hesaudio.mp3', 0, 0, 1000, false, 0.5, 90, trace(end));
- Open sound (name, url, h, v, depth, loop, volume, range, oncomplete).
- playsound_at_hotspot(sound1, hesaudio.mp3, hotspot, false, 1, 60);
- pausesound(sound1);
- resumesound(sound1);
- togglesound(sound1);
- stopsound(sound1);